

Every year, an enormous number of people go to the hospital for a wide variety of ailments, from simple colds or toothaches to life-threatening diseases requiring comprehensive therapy or even surgical intervention. Regardless of how serious their case is, most of these people end up having to answer the same question: "Where do I go next?" Doctors at state clinics are often limited, both in terms of the time they can spend with each patient, and in terms of their professional capabilities, and the best they can do in more serious cases is to refer the patient to another specialist or hospital. Thus the sick person is left to deal with their problems on their own! It's a bleak but rather familiar situation, isn't it?

This situation can be avoided. At GMS Clinic we have a special annual health program for adults and children that eliminates the stress of having to choose the right medical institution and of being responsible for all the technical aspects of your medical condition. All your problems become our problems, and we will deal with them quickly and effectively!

What are the advantages of the one-year medical program for adults and children at GMS Clinic?

There are several advantages.

First, as mentioned above, with an annual program at GMS Clinic, you won't be forced to choose on your own which medical institution is best for your treatment. You also eliminate the risk of being referred by a local clinic to a specialist who may not be fully competent to deal with your or your child's problem.

Second, instead of spending money for unpredictable results, you are making a solid investment in your health and the health of your children! Our doctors' high qualifications and experience, together with the exceptional technical capabilities of our clinic (by this we mean both our diagnostic and therapeutic equipment as well as the excellent facilities we provide for our patients and doctors) are your guarantee of high quality medical care. And the range of medical services is truly comprehensive (see below for the full list).

Third, after joining the program, you get the personal attention of a family doctor (general practitioner), which means that your family's medical history will be thoroughly researched and kept on file. In case of illness, our doctors will have access to this information, and will be able to quickly and accurately make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

You won't have the responsibility of explaining all previous medical problems to the next specialist who treats you, as this takes time and requires that tests be performed in order to make a diagnosis. And time is often the single most critical factor for successful treatment!

There simply aren't any disadvantages!

If you have questions please contact our GMS Clinic by our phone +7 495 781 5577
+7 800 302 5577, 24/24, 7/7 (our address is the part the contact information)

Medical plan with doctor visits, ambulance service, dental care, and 3 days hospitalization.

1. Out-patient care:

1.1 General practitioner (GP) consultations

1.2 Consultations with GMS specialists by referral of general practitioner (depending on medical indication):

ear/nose/throat (ENT) specialist, neurologist, urologist, surgeon, dermatologist, endocrinologist, hematologist, physiotherapist, allergologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, psychologist, gynecologist, traumatologist, nephrologist, immunologist, phlebologist, diabetologist, dietologist, venerologist, orthopedist, gastrontherologist, pulmonologist, proctologist, oncologist, infection specialist, etc.

1.3 Phone consultations with GMS Clinic doctors

1.4 Annual checkup:

  • GP consultation, blood and urine tests, blood pressure check;
  • With medical indication, ECG, fecal occult blood test, prostate check, biochemistry (AST, ALT, cholesterol, blood glucose)
  • For women ages 18 to 65, gynecological exam with PAP test; mammography for women over 45

1.5 Lab tests for blood and urine and other specimens per indication of general practitioner, including:

hematology, biochemistry, electrolytes, hormones, coagulogram, bacterial, immunologic, PCR

* The yearly medical plan includes one allergy test which measures total blood serum IgE as well specific IgEs to common allergens (common food allergens, household allergens, pollen allergens). Tests for antibodies to rare allergens, non-standard studies, and repeated studies require additional payment.

1.6. Functional including instrumental investigations with the referral of GP including:

  • Ultrasound procedures
  • X-rays
  • Gastroscopy, colonoscopy under local anesthesia
  • ECG, external breathing test, stress test, echocardiogram, CAT scan, МRI (once a year)

* standard program does not cover medications

2. Home medical assistance

2.1 House calls or office calls by doctor or nurse (9.00 to 21.00)*

2.2 House calls by emergency response (ER) team (24 hrs)

* House calls by doctor or ER are offered only when required by medical indication. Phone consultation with the doctor on duty is necessary for house calls to be arranged. The standard programs are offered within Moscow city limits. Beyond city limits, up to 30 km from MKAD there is an additional fee:

up to 30 km beyond MKAD – additional 15 % fee

3. Dental care

3.1. Dental care is offered as the following volume:

  • Complete dental checkup once a year;
  • ER dental care (pain remove, local infection treatment);
  • X-ray and radiovisiographic investigation per doctor's referral;
  • Preventive oral hygiene using ultrasound, once during the term of the service (without the use of the Air Flow device);
  • treatment of dental plaque and fillings using light and chemical hardening of filling materials - up to four teeth;
  • removal of teeth (during emergency assistance);
  • local anesthesia

* Emergency dental care is provided in the clinic open hours (9 to 21 hours, 7 days a week), outside routine hours — with the fee for outside routine hours — 87 € (at night — 172 €). Assistance is provided to adults and children older than 5 years.

3.2. For services which are not included in the program, we provide the following discounts:

10% off implants and orthodontics (with the exception of individual lingual braces and Invisalign system, for which discounts are not available), 20% off prosthetics and preparation of prosthetics,

20% off other services not included in the program.

4. Hospitalisation:

4.1. Inpatient stays at GMS Clinic for up to 3 days during the period of the Contract.

4.2. The price of admission includes room, meals, medical supervision, nursing care, all necessary medical procedures, laboratory and the functional studies, intravenous therapy. For service longer than 3 days per agreement period, an additional fee is charged according to the price list.

Not to be transferred to other family members or other persons attached to the present contract*

* Program does not cover the cost of drugs prescribed for outpatient and inpatient treatment, and does not cover hospitalization outside GMS Clinic.

5. Other services:

5.1 Surgical and invasive procedures performed by outpatient medical clinic doctors, including:

  • treatment of cuticle infections and boils;
  • wound debridement (suturing of wounds up to 4 cm in size, except facial wounds)
  • opening and drainage of basic abscesses (without complications)
  • removal of skin growths (papillomas, up to five per patient)
  • bandaging of bruises, sprains, and strains
  • plaster casts and splints

* Emergency and planned surgical procedures (except as indicated above) are not included in the program and are charged separately

5.2 Physiotherapy is offered upon referral of clinic doctor.

2 procedures of electromagnetic therapy

2-procedures within the Contract availability

5.4 Women's consultations:

  • methods of contraception;
  • family planning;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy;

* fertility treatments and pregnancy care are not included into the Program

5.5 Flu vaccination (if requested by patient).

* children's vaccinations are provided in the vaccination program. This program is based on the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and normative documents of the Ministry of Health of the RF

5.6 Tuberculosis test (Mantu)

5.7 Medical accessories (crutches, wheelchairs, etc.) offered free of change for use at the clinic.

5.8 Medical documents, including temporary disability documents, prescriptions (regular), medical certificates for public swimming pools and other recreational facilities, sanatorium cards, etc*

* The standard program does not cover health certificates for mortgages, life insurance, work permits for foreign nationals, HIV certificates, driver's licenses, or authorization to carry weapons.

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